At Career Thinks, we understand that your career is a journey that can be shaped by your unique qualities and attributes. Our comprehensive career guidance services are designed to help you discover your true potential and make informed choices about your future. We offer two types of tests - Psychometric Tests and DMIT Tests - each tailored to provide valuable insights into your career path.
Career Guidance
Psychometric Test
Counselling Session: Personalized one-on-one guidance to help you understand your test results and make informed decisions.
20-Page Report: Gain a deep understanding of yourself with insights into:
Interest Code
Multiple Intelligence Assessment
Workplace Values
Ideal Job Profiles
Personal Competencies
Dynamic Career Recommendations: Your ideal career evolves as you grow and learn. We provide guidance based on your acquired knowledge and skillset from birth.
Price: ₹5000 INR
DMIT Tests (Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test)
28-Page Comprehensive Report: Uncover your hidden talents and potential:
DISC Profile
SWOT Analysis
Multiple Intelligences Report
Total Finger Ridge Count
Brain Dominance Report
Senses Analysis
Thought Process Analysis
Emotional Intelligence (EQ)
Adversity Quotient (AQ)
Creativity Quotient (CQ)
Intelligence Quotient (IQ) Analysis
Learning Styles Assessment
Leadership Style Assessment
Stream Selection (For 10th Standard Students)
Ideal Job Profile Options
Ideal Industry Options Summary
One-Time Test: Your DMIT report is based on your unique brain structure and is relevant throughout your life.
Price: ₹8000 INR